Rosine Leloire, BH-BL High School Foreign Language Department
To support purchase of materials and artifacts from Brittany to develop a loan kit for use in curriculum at all levels. The kit will be house in the World Languages resource room.
Grant: $400
Jennifer Adams, BH-BL High School Science Department
To purchase a digital microscope which can capture images and display them on a computer monitor to a large audience. images can also be saved for future classes, used for comparison purposes and as part of PowerPoint presentations. Small video movies of microscopic organisms can also be created and saved.
Grant: $1,350
Mary-Anne Doyle, BH-BL High School Math Department
Two TI presenters to link calculators to large monitors. They are used for demonstrations of problem solving with graphing calculators. Ease of viewing improves student learning.
Grant: $354
David Besozzi, BH-BL High School Social Studies Department
Model skulls and phrenology heads for small group student activities in the study of the history of Psychology.
Grant: $610
Anne Long and Lyndsay Rosa, Charlton Heights
Books and supplies to introduce the 1001 book kids program to the BH-BL Schools. The program goal is that children will have heard 1001 stories, and have formed a bond with books and reading that will last a lifetime, before entering first grade.
Grant: $1,001
Community Human Services and O’Rourke Middle School
Materials for an anger management curriculum for an after school “School’s Out” program.
Grant: $135